Stuck on a Tic-tac-logic puzzle, please help me out (Full Version)

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dmuyuy3 -> Stuck on a Tic-tac-logic puzzle, please help me out (7/22/2021 9:45:05 AM)

I'm usually pretty okay with these puzzles, but this one has me stumped. What's the next in solving this puzzle? For reference, it's from the free packs on the Android application, "hard" #23.
Thanks a lot.


hok0003 -> RE: Stuck on a Tic-tac-logic puzzle, please help me out (7/24/2021 3:06:12 AM)

Rows 3 and 6 have 4 Os in common. So they can't both have their 5th O in column 9.

dmuyuy3 -> RE: Stuck on a Tic-tac-logic puzzle, please help me out (7/24/2021 9:29:07 AM)

Thanks for your help. That was it! I was able to find the correct row through process of elimination... I didn't think about that strategy you mentioned though, because usually these rows/columns are similar enough to be highlighted automatically. Not this time though, so I learned something new :)

kianaalcala -> RE: Stuck on a Tic-tac-logic puzzle, please help me out (4/28/2022 5:09:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: hok0003 wordle

Rows 3 and 6 have 4 Os in common. So they can't both have their 5th O in column 9.

This worked! Thanks for the help!

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