

Заполните сетку, допуская не более двух крестиков или ноликов подряд

  • A single player version of Tic-Tac-Toe
  • Fun, addictive and fascinating
  • Simple rules, very easy to learn
  • Requires no language or math skills
  • Wide range of logic and difficulty levels
  • Develops logical deduction and reasoning

См. правила Tic-Tac-Logic

Classic Tic-Tac-Logic

Еженедельно - новые головоломки

Each puzzle consists of a grid containing X's and O's in various places. The object is to place X or O in remaining squares so:

  • There are no more than two consecutive X's or O's in a row or a column.
  • The number of X's is the same as the number of O’s in each row and column.
  • All rows and all columns are unique.

См. правила Tic-Tac-Logic

Classic Tic-Tac-Logic 6x6
Сложность: легкая
Classic Tic-Tac-Logic 8x8
Сложность: легкая
Classic Tic-Tac-Logic 8x8
Сложность: средняя
Classic Tic-Tac-Logic 10x10
Сложность: средняя