

Разгадайте лабиринт, закрасьте его и выявите скрытую картинку

  • The ultimate fun of picture-maze puzzles
  • Creates beautiful pixel-art pictures
  • Suitable for children as well as adults
  • Absorbing, stimulating, addicting and fun
  • No special rules, solve like any other maze
  • Requires no language or math skills

См. правила Maze-a-Pix

B&W Maze-a-Pix

Еженедельно - новые головоломки

Each puzzle consists of a maze-grid with one entrance and one exit. The object is to reveal a hidden picture by finding and painting the path from the entrance to the exit.

См. правила Maze-a-Pix

B&W Maze-a-Pix 20x20
B&W Maze-a-Pix 25x25
B&W Maze-a-Pix 45x45

Inverted Maze-a-Pix

Еженедельно - новые головоломки

Each puzzle consists of a maze-grid with one entrance and one exit. The object is to reveal a hidden picture by finding the path from the entrance to the exit and then painting the false paths with a dark color.

См. правила Maze-a-Pix

Inverted Maze-a-Pix 40x40
Inverted Maze-a-Pix 40x50
Inverted Maze-a-Pix 40x60

Color Maze-a-Pix

Еженедельно - новые головоломки

Each puzzle consists of a maze-grid with one entrance, one exit, and color dots in various places. The object is to reveal a hidden picture by finding the path from the entrance to the exit and painting it according to the color dots, starting with the color dot in the entrance.

См. правила Maze-a-Pix

Color Maze-a-Pix 20x20
Color Maze-a-Pix 30x30
Color Maze-a-Pix 35x35

Mega Maze-a-Pix

Еженедельно - новые головоломки

Each puzzle consists of a maze-grid with one entrance and one exit. Color puzzles also contain color dots in various places. The object is to reveal a hidden picture by finding and painting the path from the entrance to the exit. Mega Maze-a-Pix with color and Mega Maze-a-Pix with Inverted are solved according to their specific rules.

См. правила Maze-a-Pix

Mega Maze-a-Pix 3.150x65
with Color