June 13, 2013
May 11, 2010
We've known each other since we were 16 years old, 6 years ago. It started getting serious only a while ago and now our first anniversary is coming up soon. Puzzles and crosswords have always been some sort of an obsession for both of us with...>>
November 06, 2008
I am a high school math teacher and got hooked on Link-a-Pix puzzles a few years ago after one of my co-workers who had completed ones hanging in her classroom showed them to me. I was hooked after the first one. A few months later, I met Mike....>>
November 30, 2007
I am a 38 year old living in upstate New York with my husband and two children. I grew up in Manhattan in New York City. I have always had a love of puzzles and any kind of thinking games. They have been an important part of my life through ALL of...>>
May 28, 2006
I think many of you, at least the members who read the forums, have come across this odd username. It comes straight from my Turku university e-mail address, which is simply formed by taking two letters from each of my names: Leena Katriina Helttula.>>
January 02, 2006
Conceptis puzzles became a part of my life as soon as I got married, three years ago. To say that I’m a huge conceptis fan wouldn’t be quite true but I am a huge fan of a huge fan of conceptis puzzles, my husband! I can’t say how he came to know...>>
June 05, 2005
During a one week trip to Mallorca, Spain, Mikey suddenly got all excited and handed me a logic puzzle from Conceptis saying she couldn't do it herself, so we did the puzzle together. When we were done "Will you marry me" was written right across...>>
Let me start off with a bit about myself. I am 24 and although I am Scottish, I now live in the North East of England with my husband and our three and a half year old daughter.>>
I just recently came to know via the site of "Puzzelsport", your Dutch publisher. I used to buy some of their magazines. Not every month, for my family need my attention, and when I have got a puzzle magazine I hardly get any...>>
March 06, 2005
About three years ago I discovered a "Cross Sums" puzzle in a German magazine. I confess I began solving them since I was simply bored at the time. Ten or fifteen minutes later I felt a great fun to go ahead with it after having realized the logic...>>
Conceptis puzzles are part of my life. That's quite a statement considering I've never done one. I'll explain. I buy “regular” puzzle magazines and usually work through them during down time. I'm a graduate student, and during one particularly tough...>>
February 01, 2005
My name is Crisy and I have the most wonderful fiancé, Derric. Derric and I have been together for 4 years. We met in New York City, where I was studying to get my Ph.D. in microbiology. As if I wasn't busy enough as a full-time student, every free...>>