RE: Chain Sudoku (Full Version)

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JSmith -> RE: Chain Sudoku (8/26/2009 2:03:53 AM)

The question was "How do you define an "indy developer". I did not mention Grabarchuk or Conceptis in my response at all - you did. Please look at the previous post for the context of the message.

JSmith -> RE: Chain Sudoku (8/26/2009 2:09:01 AM)

In case you did not know, the "splash page" is the first thing that pops up when you go to a website. The news article that you just linked was not the splash page. The splash page clearly stated that this was a Conceptis original.

As far as the negative comments from last week, I must have neglected to scroll all the way down to messages from nearly a week ago to find them. It's amazing how they just happened to cluster all the way down there where one would have to put in some extra effort to find them.

lekahe -> RE: Chain Sudoku (8/26/2009 7:16:39 AM)

Actually I don't know what you are referring to with the "splash page" in the case of Conceptis. If you go to you land on the Home page and it remains the same.

If you go to My Conceptis page, the latest article/news has been featured on the left column on the top. That link has the text Don't miss! - a picture - and the title of the article/news item.

The first sentence:
"Chain Sudoku, probably the best variant of the world's most popular logic puzzle, has been released by Conceptis."
seems to be misinterpreted by many people since I have seen the same statement elsewhere. However it does NOT say they invented it, it says they released it.
The sentence has been the same all the time.

Which style do you use reading the forums?
Tree style can be very effective in hiding older posts.
Choose the option Flat style in your profile and the whole thread is visible as long as someone answers it and keeps it coming back to top.


sharonella -> RE: Chain Sudoku (8/27/2009 4:25:12 AM)

OK - decrier says - among other things...

ORIGINAL: decrier
...conceptis publishing chain sudoku hurts evry single indy game developer out there because it fosters the kind of attitude that the people on this forum and elsewhere have developed.. who cares who made it i just wanna play it!! yeaaah weeee woohoo......

...and in the end if it is allowed to be gotten away with then it's just one more reason for an indy developer not to release something for fear of someone else taking it and them having no way of fighting back....

then lekahe says - among other things - in response to decrier:

ORIGINAL: lekahe

3) How do you define "indy developer"?

Then JSmith says - among other things - in response to lekahe

An "indy developer" would be any "independent" person - i.e., someone not employed by a company that creates, produces or publishes puzzles - who creates puzzles.

Obviously - at least to me - decrier is claiming that Conceptis has hurt indy game developers by publishing chain sudoku.  The only people claiming to be hurt is Grabarchuk - but they are not an "indy developer" by JSmith's definition. 
So I believe I have followed the discussion very well - way easier to do in Flat style than tree style - as lekahe pointed out.
I know I am sounding like a broken record here, but Grabarchuk should not be "reporting his stolen car" here, (or everywhere else on the internet he has posted his complaints against Conceptis) if in fact, anything HAS been stolen.  It should be a legal issue, discussed in a legal forum - not here in a forum of public opinion
and regarding the issue of "creativity" - just because a computer program may create a puzzle makes it no less part of a human creative process.  People created the algorithms and whatnot (yeah, I'm not a technical computer programmer) that create the puzzles.

thimios128 -> RE: Chain Sudoku (8/27/2009 12:13:17 PM)

Email :

Dear Sirs,

The Greek publishing Comp. “Lithotyp A.C” (Λιθοτύπ Α.Ε.), 224 Syngrou Ave. Athens Greece P.C. 176,72 , with which you have an exclusive cooperation (as we wave informed), had published three volumes, one every six months(summer ’07, winter ’07, summer ’08) with Sudoku puzzles, that contained except the 9X9=81 cells and 16X16=256 cells classics, 22  giga Sudoku’s(as they were named) in every volume (25 squares with 25 numbers in every one of them).

Since then, (summer ’08) the above company has stopped publishing issues except those with 9X9 Sudoku’s so I was recommended me to ask you the way to be provided the 25*25’s Sudoku’s you publish, because I consider them to be the most interesting.

I’d like also to add that from these three volumes “Lithotyp” hasn’t given me the third (summer ’08) because it was exhausted. So if you keep, by chance, records of the 25X25’s you’ve already sent to “Lithotyp”, please sent me the last 22 or any one you’ve drawn up from then on (2008), by debiting my credit card.
I’d be grateful if your answer to my request would be positive

Yours Sincerely

shillner -> RE: Chain Sudoku (9/9/2009 3:01:40 PM)

There are no samples to play

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