Fill-a-Pix rules
Fill-a-Pix are exciting logic puzzles that form whimsical pixel-art pictures when solved. Invented by Trevor Truran and developed by Conceptis, these puzzles offer the ultimate mix of logic, art and fun while providing solvers with many hours of mentally stimulating entertainment.
Fill-a-Pix is a Minesweeper-like puzzle based on a grid with a pixel-art picture hidden inside. Using logic alone, the solver determines which squares are painted and which should remain empty until the hidden picture is completely exposed.
Fill-a-Pix puzzles come in B&W and are available in many sizes and difficulty levels taking anything from five minutes to several hours to solve. Basic logic Fill-a-Pix require analysis of one clue at a time and are straightforward to solve while advanced logic Fill-a-Pix contain situations where two clues simultaneously affect each other as well as the squares around them making these puzzles very challenging and rewarding to solve.
If you like Pic-a-Pix, Sudoku and other logic puzzles, you will love Conceptis Fill-a-Pix as well!
Basic Logic Fill-a-Pix
Each puzzle consists of a grid containing clues in various places. The object is to reveal a hidden picture by painting the squares around each clue so that the number of painted squares, including the square with the clue, matches the value of the clue.
In the above example we see no squares are painted around the 0, two squares are painted around the 2 and all squares are painted around the 9 including the square containing the 9.
Advanced Logic Fill-a-Pix
Each puzzle consists of a grid containing clues in various places. The object is to reveal a hidden picture by painting the squares around each clue so that the number of painted squares, including the square with the clue, matches the value of the clue.
In the above example we see no squares are painted around the 0, three squares are painted around the 3 and all squares are painted around the 9 including the square containing the 9.
Mega Fill-a-Pix
Each puzzle consists of a grid containing clues in various places. The object is to reveal a hidden picture by painting the squares around each clue so that the number of painted squares, including the square with the clue, matches the value of the clue.