Multiple Solutions Found: Tic-Tac-Toe 31090100746
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Multiple Solutions Found: Tic-Tac-Toe 31090100746 - 10/4/2014 5:11:49 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: 9/21/2014
From: United States
Status: offline
SPOILERS GIVEN IN POST!!! DO NOT LOOK IF YOU HAVE NOT SOLVE THIS WEEK'S FREE TIC-TAC-TOE LOGIC!!! Anyways, here's what the program and I agree on: OXOXOXOX XXOOXOXO XOX - -OXO OXO - -XOX XOXOXOOX OXOXOXXO OOXXOXOX XOXOXOXO The program wants XO OX in the missing four spaces. And this is a valid solution. However, OX XO is also a valid solution.
< Message edited by extremeblueness -- 10/4/2014 5:15:24 PM >
RE: Multiple Solutions Found: Tic-Tac-Toe 31090100746 - 10/4/2014 6:51:19 PM
Posts: 4
Joined: 7/7/2010
From: Canada
Status: offline
Hi, there's a rule that all rows and columns must be unique. However, in your second solution, the 3rd and 8th rows are the same.
RE: Multiple Solutions Found: Tic-Tac-Toe 31090100746 - 10/4/2014 6:55:50 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: 9/21/2014
From: United States
Status: offline
Thanks. I actually missed that rule, since it's so rarely needed.
RE: Multiple Solutions Found: Tic-Tac-Toe 31090100746 - 10/11/2016 11:16:14 PM
Posts: 224
Joined: 12/30/2009
From: United States
Status: offline
This may sound nit-picky, but it is all rows and all columns must be unique, not all rows and columns. They actually changed the wording of that rule after I asked why their solution to one puzzle was valid since row X and column Y were identical. I honestly read the original wording to mean no row could match any other row or column and the same for columns. Not that no row could match any other row and no column any other column. As I said, it seems nit-picky now, but oh well. ;)
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