
Picturesque Paint-doku


Picturesque Paint-doku

Picturesque Paint-doku

96 page 8.5x10 inch book containing 96 B&W Pic-a-Pix puzzles in very easy to very hard difficulty levels.


  • Media: Book
  • Released: November 2010
  • Number of pages: 96
  • Dimensions: 8.5 x 10 inch
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 9781402775734


  • In shops: United States and Canada


  • Puzzle types: B&W Pic-a-Pix
  • Number of puzzles: 96
  • Difficulty Levels: very easy, easy, medium, medium plus, hard and very hard

Editorial review

It's now possible to paint pictures as pretty as any by Monet or van Gogh without even having to pick up a brush-just use your mind! Put those logic skills to use on these paint-doku puzzles from the mind-boggling geniuses at Conceptis Puzzles. Puzzle lovers start with blank canvases that have numbered rows and columns; these numbers are the key to determining which squares to shade in. When solvers have cracked the code, they'll have “painted” an octopus, Albert Einstein's portrait, a Brazilian carnival celebration, and more.

Buy online: Barnes & Noble | Amazon

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