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RE: New puzzle collections

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RE: New puzzle collections - 5/16/2007 10:03:28 AM   


Posts: 2737
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From: Finland
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Since the last part of Isaac's answer came before I sent my answer, I have to add:

-I never accused you of stealing. Do not read between the lines
-the folder will be deleted altogether. I am not putting myself up to this any more
-That is the problem, you never answered the e-mails. And for the record: I do not have a spam folder they might have ended up.
Besides Natalia, the puzzle editor answered you ( I got the same mail). Anyway I don't find it acceptable to bother her with issues concerning puzzles somebody converted wrong!

As for me this case is closed


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Post #: 41
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/16/2007 5:55:05 PM   


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Back to business

Today is another day

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Post #: 42
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/16/2007 6:09:15 PM   


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A new Pic-a-Pix file has just been uploaded to esnips. this includes the newly converted Hanjie issue 68 plus the PipcPuz solution to Mega PAP 0100501 The Laughing Cavalier kindly provided by Beate in Germany. The puzzle total now stands at obver 2,500

Happy solving


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Post #: 43
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/16/2007 7:43:25 PM   


Posts: 1893
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I am presuming your source gave you permission to post the name, correct? If not, I suggest you remove that quickly, because this is looking very similar to your incident from the other day.

I also noticed you ran away from Leena and carried on like nothing ever happened. Sad.


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Post #: 44
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/17/2007 3:05:27 AM   


Posts: 1290
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From: Israel
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I never thought this day would come, when our “universe of puzzles” will be at war. I always imagined a little planet where we’re all having fun and everything is perfect.

There are two main situations involved: the relationship between Conceptis and its puzzle fans, and the relationship between puzzle fans and their fellow puzzle fans.

I will start with the relationship between Conceptis and its puzzle fans. Naturally we are continuously torn on the controversial issue of what some fans are doing with our puzzles. However, our belief in freedom overrides everything else and hence we are not trying to impose regulation. Also, there is no point trying to control something which people can do elsewhere. I can only ask our fans do this in moderation so it doesn’t work against Conceptis on the long run. Also please remember we are planning to become a commercial website one day.

Regarding relationships between one puzzle fan to another, this is much more complicated because it’s impossible to define and sensitive to misunderstandings. Things which come to mind are the obvious:

- Please keep private information private
- Please be gentle and kind to each other
- Be tolerant. People are usually not what they seem to be
- Refrain from religious or political insinuations

And always remember none of us is perfect. We all have our good sides, and we all make mistakes. Lets judge each other by the sum total.

Dear smurf

I apologize for deleting your message. I tried to find a way of replying, but your words were so harsh and personal that I felt continuing this discussion would only make matters worse. Note that I’m not trying to criticize you about what you said (including the painful things on me), but about the way it was said. You are welcome to write to me directly to discuss this (and other) issue further. I hope you understand.

Dear cyclone

Although smurf’s reply was harsh and personal, I can well understand why he responded the way he did. Sometimes your messages can be quite aggressive, to the point other members find them offensive to read. Please tone down such instances in the future. For example, before you post try reading them as if they were sent to you by someone else.

(in reply to izakkay)
Post #: 45
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/17/2007 3:43:07 AM   


Posts: 627
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From: Spain
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Please, please
I want to remind that all of us are puzzles lover's and what we want in this forum is just to enjoy ourselves, share puzzles and help us with puzzles. If we want to go further just discuss about puzzles but just to puzzles. Anything else as country, culture, religion or anything else have to been discussed in other places but no here.

I love all of you and I hope to still love all of you for many many years in this forum.
Sorry for my English. I would like to explain myself better but remember: love is the best and we love each other through puzzles.

I offer my cooperation to all of you.

With all my love to all of you without any difference.


(in reply to izakkay)
Post #: 46
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/17/2007 5:40:45 AM   


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This is to Dave.

I can understand your removing my post but how come you saw fit to leave cyclone lies without removing them too. I beleive this only proves the point I tried to make as I am sure anybody who did get a chance to read it will agree.

Sean Murphy

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Post #: 47
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/17/2007 8:00:08 AM   


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Dear cyclone

Although smurf’s reply was harsh and personal, I can well understand why he responded the way he did. Sometimes your messages can be quite aggressive, to the point other members find them offensive to read. Please tone down such instances in the future. For example, before you post try reading them as if they were sent to you by someone else.

Haven't been in touch for a while Dave...sorry it's under these circumstances.

I do realize sometimes I can come across as harsh, and occasionally offensive. I did not see smurf's reply (possibly by good fortune), but I can say this. I'm happy to convert and share as long as it's allowed within the community. I do not like when myself, Leena, or others do that, then another party comes along, creates his own file, and doesn't even give credit, and furthermore, makes puzzles available in a PUBLIC folder. I heard through Leena your thoughts behind that, and understand those. But that one incident is where this all basically started, and while my reply was admittedly quite harsh and I regret that, I still do not like that the actual incident took place the way it did. Credit for my converted puzzles going to a third party, it just made me a bit upset, you see.

I will try to tone things down in the future. I've admittedly been quieter here, as I'm going through more of a series of changes in my life now, but I regularly visit here still and still convert some puzzles to PicPuz where I feel like it.


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Post #: 48
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/17/2007 6:57:14 PM   


Posts: 423
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From: Israel
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Hi to all Conceptis members.

I really hope this whole incident we'll be in our past and the lovely peaceful forum we always had will be back to all of us.
I think respect and tolerability are basic for any good relation to "stay alive" for long.
I like people talking about personal things in the forum, not just puzzles, but as long as every one respects the other, even if he disagrees, that's fine. I think very personal matters or discussions between two members when they become more personal should be kept private and not through the whole forum. That way it sounds more like a public trial than like two people giving their point of view.

I love you all and each day I come to see what's new in our forum...I don't like to see it is war.
Let's try to get hold of ourselves and start from where we came from, for until now we used to be a big happy family.

Sincerely, Shiron.

(in reply to izakkay)
Post #: 49
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/18/2007 1:25:42 PM   


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A new cumulative file which includes today's new puzzles has just been uploaded for Conceptis - Battleships.


(in reply to izakkay)
Post #: 50
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/18/2007 1:35:40 PM   


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A new cumulative file which includes today's new puzzle has just been uploaded for the new addition to this collection of puzzles called Page-a-Day Brainteasers.It would be nice no know if you enjoy it.
I will try to update this collection on a weekly basis.


(in reply to izakkay)
Post #: 51
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/18/2007 1:57:27 PM   


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A new cumulative file which includes today's new puzzles has just been uploaded for Conceptis - Dot-a-Pix.


(in reply to izakkay)
Post #: 52
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/18/2007 4:59:30 PM   


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A new cumulative file which includes today's new puzzles has just been uploaded for Conceptis - Fill-a-Pix.


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Post #: 53
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/18/2007 5:07:01 PM   


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A new cumulative file which includes today's new puzzles has just been uploaded for Conceptis - Hitori.


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Post #: 54
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/18/2007 5:16:48 PM   


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A new cumulative file which includes today's new puzzles has just been uploaded for Conceptis - Kakuro.


(in reply to izakkay)
Post #: 55
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/18/2007 8:37:12 PM   


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Two new cumulative files, which include today's new puzzles, have just been uploaded for Conceptis - Link-a-Pix.


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Post #: 56
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/18/2007 9:04:13 PM   


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A new cumulative file, which includes today's new puzzles, has just been uploaded for Conceptis - Maze-a-Pix.


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Post #: 57
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/18/2007 9:56:14 PM   


Posts: 615
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Isaac, how do I view the Page-A-Day-Brainteasers? They are dot email files and I don't know how to open them.

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Post #: 58
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/18/2007 10:29:05 PM   


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Hi Patti,
I myself have MSN or Hotmail email. What Page-a-Day uses I do not know. I Simply save my emails into a file on my computer everey day using the standard Windows Save as... feature and use the date as the file name. I have forwrded these occassionally in the past to friednds and family members worldwide who use a large variety of email programs and it is my impression that each of them simply double clicks on the file icon and whatever email program they might have installed automaticcaly opens it as an offline email. Any explanation more detailed than this is beyond my technical expertise.

Hoping that this has been of use to you and wishing you a good weekend.


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Post #: 59
RE: New puzzle collections - 5/18/2007 10:31:55 PM   


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A new cumulative file, which includes today's new puzzles, has just been uploaded for Conceptis - Pic-a-Pix. The solutions are included for all Black and white puzzles along with almost all of the colored ones. This should be of assistance to those of you looking for edges.


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Post #: 60
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