izakkay -> RE: New puzzle collections (4/27/2007 5:43:25 PM)
I have just added a newly updated Conceptis - Pic-aPix file to my folder. http://esnips.com/web/izakkaysBusinessFiles It is broken down by Conceptis's pdf format and the PicPuz format with the puzzles and solutions in separate files for both formats. At this point there are well over 2,000 puzzles in the collection. There are a total of five color PAP's without PicPuz solutions which have been kept separately. It would be appreciated if anyone who does have the PicPuz solutions to any of them could email them to me at izakkay@msn.com so that they can be added and shared with the public. Please note that due to the large file size of this collection I have not included any pdf versions of the PicPuz format. It should not be necessary since anyone having the PicPuz software can generate the pdf files on their own. I have however included Conceptis's pdf versions wherever available for those who prefer doing everythig on paper without using Picpuz. Since they have all been converted by either Leena or myself to the PicPuz format I have removed all the large image files of these puzzles. This has resulted in the total size of this file coming down from the 70 or so gigabyte file to just over 10 gigabytes, a file size much easier to work with. Please check my text file for the cross-reference file that shows all the Conceptis puzzle number for each puzzle coming from a magazine or other publication. By doing it in this fashion I have been able to eliminate most duplicates among puzzles published in different magazines. This file is also updated on a regular basis to reflect the magazines newly converted by Leena or myself. At a later date I shall be adding a separate text file listing just the magazine issues and other publications that are included in this collection. My next update will include all Conceptis's B & W puzzles with names rather than numbers that I have been able to track down. This should be followed by the colored ones. Leena, Cyclone, Tina and Rosa have to be thanked for providing a substantial majority of these puzzles. I still have numerous magazines which I shall be converting and adding as time will allow. Anybody with any additional puzzles they would like to share should email them to me and I will add them in future updates. I hope you all enjoy the way I have organized this superb collection and am open to suggestions from any of you as to how to improve on it. Wishing you all a good weekend and Happy Solving Isaac K