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RE: First beta online

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RE: First beta online - 3/8/2005 8:05:34 AM   


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Thanks Ooops, I'll instal the program onto another machine and see what happens.

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Post #: 101
RE: First beta online - 3/8/2005 6:22:02 PM   


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Dear Ooops,

Tried insalling onto my other lap and got the same result. 2 questions (PLEASE):

1. I've got PicPus 0.91 Version 32. Did I pick up the latest version, or is there a newer version?

2. Can settings in Nortons affect the download/installation?

I'm quite convinced that it's something to do with my system environment or something stupid I did, I just can't put my finger on it. And I'm pulling my hair out...

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Post #: 102
RE: First beta online - 3/8/2005 8:38:00 PM   


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Usually, it is advised to disable Norton and other virus scanners when installing ANY software, period.

Ooops, still awaiting an answer.


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Post #: 103
RE: First beta online - 3/10/2005 2:50:40 AM   


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To be honest, I have no idea what your problem might be, I10VESN00PY.
Disabling Anti-Virus software while installation could be a valuable hint.


Ooops, still awaiting an answer.

Sorry, meanwhile I am working on another project, so PicPuz more and more seems to be in its almost last stadium. When I'll find some time (but not now), I will fix some further bugs and I will include the possibility to feed the program with self-typed color PAPs. That will probably be the last public release.
The other project is currently more important to me...

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Post #: 104
RE: First beta online - 3/10/2005 12:00:24 PM   


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What's the other project, if it's something you can share?


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Post #: 105
RE: First beta online - 3/11/2005 4:31:33 AM   


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The program is great!

I just have one problem: For some reason, the first week I used it, I was able to use the "load from web" feature to get all the Conceptis weekly puzzles. Now, the feature downloads a whole bunch of ".non" files, and nothing else... no new .paps or .laps!

Am I missing something obvious? Is there an alternate way to download those puzzles?


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Post #: 106
RE: First beta online - 3/11/2005 4:36:36 AM   


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Argh! Sorry!

I thought, "hey, what the heck, I'll just try downloading bugfix again," since I know the problem I was having was one of the original bugs...

Lo and behold, it worked... I must have done something wrong the first time... I feel silly...


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Post #: 107
RE: First beta online - 3/18/2005 1:52:29 AM   


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What's the other project, if it's something you can share?


Sorry... competitors are reading here, too, and they don't need to know by now. But I can say that it has nothing to do with puzzles (neither picture-forming nor others).

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Post #: 108
RE: First beta online - 3/18/2005 3:05:24 AM   


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Some sort of competition? Can I at least inquire about that?


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Post #: 109
RE: First beta online - 3/18/2005 3:24:57 AM   


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see my mail... nothing more about it here.

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Post #: 110
RE: First beta online - 3/18/2005 3:32:19 AM   


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Finally, I cease further development of my PicPuz program. If there will be any malicious bugs or so I'll see what I can do, besides I won't have time to invest into PicPuz any more.
So I fixed some minor bugs, made some minor visual improvements and increased the version number to 0.99 ("nearest to 1.0"). If you load the new setup package you'll need no additional bugfix any more.

Click here for Download.

Have fun,
Ralf Brostedt (aka "Ooops")

[edit]Eh... I forgot to mention: Please keep in mind: I didn't remove any feature that was already available with an earlier version. If you miss some feature in its common place (e.g. the Web Loader) - please don't panic and examine some other menus. I restructured some menu commands to make it more logic (I think).

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Post #: 111
RE: First beta online - 3/18/2005 4:31:45 AM   


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Let me guess, you don't have .non-style colour PAPs implemented (yet)? I'd think this is an easy addition...can we get this before you cease development? It's the only one of the six types (two for each puzzle type) not yet implemented.


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Post #: 112
RE: First beta online - 3/22/2005 7:03:54 AM   


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I only found this program last week and am hoping that someone may be able to point me in the direction of where to get previous PAP's.

All help appreciated.


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Post #: 113
RE: First beta online - 3/22/2005 7:06:23 AM   


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I have some saved. I'll send you what I have.

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Post #: 114
RE: First beta online - 4/7/2005 12:16:52 AM   


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Would you be willing to allow someone else to take over development? I am a programmer by profession and a logic puzzle addict and would be willing to take over development. It's a great piece of software and I would hate to see it die.


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Post #: 115
RE: First beta online - 4/7/2005 10:10:13 AM   


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Let me contact him by e-mail, perhaps. If he's willing, I'm sure he'll post here.


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Post #: 116
RE: First beta online - 4/8/2005 4:47:05 AM   


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Well, Sean wrote me an email already, I was just too busy to answer, yet ;-)

And to say the truth, I'm hesitating giving the PicPuz sources away. There is a lot of knowledge in there. In fact, I tried many new programming techniques I wasn't familiar with so far (like subclassing), derived some "general modules" I can use in other VB projects also, etc.

You see, PicPuz is my "baby"... and I barely want to see other - unknown to me - people receiving commendation for a work relying by 70 percent or more on my own work... I hope you'll understand.

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Post #: 117
RE: First beta online - 4/8/2005 6:18:39 AM   


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Ooops, can we at least be able to create colour PAPs based on files we can create, then? That's the only thing left before the program, as far as necessary right now, is "complete".

Mazes can of course be done at a later time, when MAP Online eventually surfaces.


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Post #: 118
RE: First beta online - 4/8/2005 6:24:42 AM   


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I understand.


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Post #: 119
RE: First beta online - 4/23/2005 4:04:45 AM   


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I love your program Ooops, thanks for all the hard work.

Would someone please send me some older puzzles? I found this a little thread a little too late to ask while it was still such a hot topic. Thanks!


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Post #: 120
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