Razorflame -> RE: Give your feedback on this new Color Fill-a-Pix Concept (2/4/2018 4:51:24 AM)
I am able to help anyone with questions regarding Pic-a-Pix, Link-a-Pix, Block-A-Pix, Fill-a-Pix (Basic Logic only), Sym-a-Pix (Basic Logic only), Sudoku (Everything but Diagonal and Odd/Even), Hitori, Slitherlink, Battleships, Hashi, Nurikabe, and Tic-Tac-Logic. For Slitherlink, Hashi, Nurikabe, and Tic-Tac-Logic, I would be of too much help, but all of the others, I'm fairly good at. My specialties are LAP, FAP, SAP, Sudoku, and Hitori.