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Resetting the puzzle...

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Resetting the puzzle... - 8/3/2022 2:55:07 PM   


Posts: 129
Joined: 8/14/2008
From: United States
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should not reset the clock!

I rarely reset a puzzle, but I had to do this today on a Battleships puzzle which I had garbled so badly that I could not merely "back up". I had spent 4-5 minutes on it before resetting it. I was very surprised, after solving it, to see that my time was only for after I reset it. This is not fair; I took a lot longer than 1:20, so I should have been "charged" with the full amount of time that I took. While it likely doesn't affect the average-of-all-solvers very much, still, it should take into account *all* the time that I spent. The programming should not be difficult to fix; whatever variable is holding the time should not be reset to '0' when the puzzle is reset.
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RE: Resetting the puzzle... - 8/3/2022 4:59:24 PM   


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Sometimes I like to restart a puzzle I worked a long time ago to see if I can do it faster. In that case I want the timer to start over. I see your point though if you want to see the total amount of time and effort it took you. The logic is that a restart was all part of the effort to solve the puzzle and you want that reflected in the total. Makes sense if you want to know how long the attempt really took you.

I would still say that upon completion of a puzzle that a restart should reset the timer.

(in reply to chaosmanor)
Post #: 2
RE: Resetting the puzzle... - 8/23/2022 9:23:18 AM   


Posts: 1
Joined: 8/23/2022
From: United States
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Sometimes I like to restart a puzzle I worked a long time ago to see if I can do it faster. In that case I want the timer to start over. I see your point though if you want to see the total amount of time and effort it took you. The logic is that a restart was all part of the effort to solve the puzzle and you want that reflected in the total. Makes sense if you want to know how long the attempt really took you.

I would still say that upon completion of a puzzle that a restart should reset the timer.

I knew that! Thanks!

(in reply to Talihoe)
Post #: 3
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